Moving On

It’s time… Let the healing begin, let God’s Grace pour over me.

Betrayal, lies, and hurts are only temporary, earthly issues… My rewards in Heaven will be worth the pains of today. I have so many thoughts, so many words burning in my mind, mouth, and soul…. I’m on fire to write again, and write I shall…. Only you will need to be prepared…. Those of you that read this blog will see a different side of me, this is my blog, my place to vent, to praise, to call out people, to be totally un-politically correct, to nurture, to have fun, to teach, and to learn…. If I offend anyone in my future posts, then too bad, so sad…. Move along little tender heart… I no longer have the patience to placate and soothe those of you who are wimpy…. I’m moving on…. To be real, to be brutally honest, and frankly, I will probably piss a lot of people off. But guess what? I don’t flipping care, go write your own blog if you don’t like what I say here, perhaps you can’t handle the truth and want to live in your world of rainbows and unicorns…. Well pucker up buttercup, it has to rain to get a rainbow and unicorns aren’t real, but I they were, guess what? They would poop…. On the ground, and you’d probably step in it….. So strap on your seat belts folks….. We are gonna have quite the ride!!!

Are Believers Ever Really Alone?

As a believer are we ever really alone, are we really truly feeling loneliness…. it’s hard at times as I sit here missing my darling daughter, being hundreds of miles away from a love that has, so far withstood time, trials, and distance, not having any family close by, or family that I even know well for that matter, wondering if the choices in life that I’ve made are the right ones…… am I truly really loved…. but deep down, in the lonely moments, I know the truth.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

In times like this, trying not to feel isolated or all alone in the world can be a challenge….

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5

I pray that all the lonely hearts hear Your words, including my own heart…..

I don’t claim to know why I get lonely when I know God so deeply, and I have no doubt how much love, grace, and mercy He has showered me with.  I do think it’s my earthly flesh… wanting so badly to be needed, to be loved, to be touched.  A Saturday night free of any plans, would be ideal for a person with a standard, normal relationship.  Movie, popcorn, and snuggle time on the couch could cure these feelings, at least temporarily.   I know I shouldn’t complain.  I know I should be grateful for all that I do have.  And I am.  Extremely grateful.  However, every once in a while, I feel alone.  Lonely.  It’s scary here.  I would love to feel arms close around me and squeeze me tightly and whisper in my ear, “It will be all right, I’m here, and we will work through this together.”  Initially I think I need to hear this from my earthly love… however, as I pray and talk to my Abba Daddy, I realize I do hear these words, and I do feel the most exquisite healing hug ever… from Him.  Every day, every moment.  Every time I breathe in, it’s a breath from Heaven.  Every time I breathe in to sing His praises, it’s a breath from Heaven.  In the midst of all this chaos in my life, everything is still a breath from Heaven.

Lord, I breathe you in, I saturate my being with your Holy Spirit, to do as You will, to be as You want, to do as You command.  In the end, it’s You who has brought me to this place of loneliness.  To see Your face, to cry for Your love, to do as you have always wanted me to do, accept Your Breath from Heaven.